Help us build a well

With today’s advancements in technology, we see no reason why every human shouldn’t have access to a well that provides clean water. Help us raise $100,000 to build 200 wells in rural villages throughout the region.

Here at Earthswell International, our mission paints a big, sometimes daunting picture: we want to create a world where every single human has basic access to fresh, clean water. Every day, women and children especially are tasked with the burden of procuring the precious and scarce resource of water, a job that is dangerous and grueling. A community without water is a community without safe schools, without healthy children, and without any promise of a secure life.

By raising $100,000 to build 50 wells in areas that currently don’t have a clean water access point, we’ll be providing thousands of people with the most important element for survival. The money we raise here will go directly to communities in need and work on these wells will start immediately as the money comes in.

What’s the start-to-finish process of building a clean water access point? First, we collaborate with local officials to ensure the communities we’re working with are fully involved in the project. We work with them to identify the most efficient drilling spots, depending on the geography and infrastructure of the village. Once we’ve identified these sites through a thorough survey of the land, we determine which type of well will work best in each location and begin the drilling process. Once we’ve completed drilling, we do thorough, routine tests to ensure the safety of the water and the functionality of the well. We also provide ongoing funds for the upkeep and and safety of the wells.

Unbelievably, most communities that live without access to water are living in areas with clean water right beneath their feet. The money we raise gives them the resources they need to access this precious resource. All it takes is a few dollars to provide hundreds of families clean water for life. We can’t thank you enough for joining us on this mission. To stay updated on what specifically your money is going toward, click the “updates” tab below. We’ll be giving reports of our progress along the way!

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